If you like to get quick Google Adsense Approval in 2017 with new Domain name. Please, let us know in the comment below. We will share 99.8% working trick and provide you dummy data for Google Adsense approval.
There are lots of Steps out there on web for approval and our site doesn't have much traffic. Presently, I am working on my another site which have a daily pageviews of around 4000. So, I could not much time on this site.
You might heard that for Indian Blogger, to apply for Google Adsense his/her Domain name should be 10 months old. That all Shit! You can get approval with a new domain name. I personally apply for Google Adsense with a domain name which is only 15 Days old (this domain name), which had 7 blog posts and 4 Pages by that time.
If you like to know and apply the trick which I used to get Google Adsense Approval, please comments below so that I know your interest, when I get 10 comments on this Post. I will update the post with the trick you are looking for.
Meantime, please register any top level domain, because as the domain get older, its good for Adsense. If you don't want to expense any money on purchasing the domain name you can register .tk domain name, which is completely free.
You can also visit my friend site Al-Otain.com for more information on Blogging.
There are lots of Steps out there on web for approval and our site doesn't have much traffic. Presently, I am working on my another site which have a daily pageviews of around 4000. So, I could not much time on this site.
You might heard that for Indian Blogger, to apply for Google Adsense his/her Domain name should be 10 months old. That all Shit! You can get approval with a new domain name. I personally apply for Google Adsense with a domain name which is only 15 Days old (this domain name), which had 7 blog posts and 4 Pages by that time.
If you like to know and apply the trick which I used to get Google Adsense Approval, please comments below so that I know your interest, when I get 10 comments on this Post. I will update the post with the trick you are looking for.
Meantime, please register any top level domain, because as the domain get older, its good for Adsense. If you don't want to expense any money on purchasing the domain name you can register .tk domain name, which is completely free.
You can also visit my friend site Al-Otain.com for more information on Blogging.
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