Who would have thought that, in the end, it would be the humble voicemail that would do us all in?
Your Google, Microsoft, Apple, WhatsApp, and even Signal accounts all have an Achilles' heel — the same one, in fact. And it turns out that if you're not careful, a hacker could use that weakness to take over your online identity.
Or so claims self-described "security geek" Martin Vigo. Speaking to an enthusiastic collection of hackers and security researchers at the annual DEF CON convention in Las Vegas, Vigo explained how he managed to reset passwords for a wide-ranging set of online accounts by taking advantage of the weakest link in the security chain: your voicemail. Read more...
More about Hackers, Def Con, Voicemail, 2fa, and Techfrom Mashable https://ift.tt/2nu7wFK
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