Bingeing TV is a full-time job (we speak from experience here). There's far too many shows, seasons, episodes, platforms – you get it.
But on a long holiday weekend, we count our bingeable TV blessings. Some people feel guilty spending a long weekend on a couch, but we find a real sense of pride and accomplishment from crawling into work on Tuesday having finished an entire show.
To help with this simple goal, here are some TV gems that only made it to one season – which means you can start and finish them this weekend.
The Get Down
The Get Down is one of Netflix’s short-lived treasures; a true well of lost potential in its brevity. The Baz Luhrmann-created (and partially directed) musical epic chronicled the last days of disco and the rise of rap through the lives of several teenagers growing up in the Bronx at the end of the '70s, and the costumes, music, and casting were clearly too good for this world to support. There are only 11 episodes and they’re all a blast (the first one is peak Baz Luhrmann). Read more...
More about Entertainment, Television, List, Selfie, and The Get Downfrom Mashable https://ift.tt/2N5MYBE
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