Mark Ruffalo is back in the public eye and the folks at Marvel should be very, very concerned.
Ruffalo, known for his role as Bruce Banner/The Hulk in the cinematic superhero universe, is also notorious for accidentally revealing spoilers to his movies.
Once he accidentally live-streamed audio from the premiere of Thor: Ragnarok, and there was that other time he straight up revealed the ending to Avengers: Infinity War, which is likely why Jimmy Fallon invited him on The Tonight Show to discuss the upcoming Avengers film.
Prior to his interview airing, Ruffalo tweeted a request for his pal Jimmy to cut his latest spoiler slip-up out of the footage so he wouldn't get in trouble again. Read more...
More about Film, Mark Ruffalo, Enterainment, Jimmy Fallon, and Avengers 4from Mashable https://ift.tt/2RwrQny
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