Burgers and fries delivered by robo-car.
Stranger things have happened in Las Vegas. At the CES tech show this year, a car from AutoX showed off its autonomous driving skills by delivering burgers to the convention center.
The San Jose, California-based company started out delivering groceries with cars equipped with backseats modified to keep produce fresh and unharmed. Later, it partnered with select restaurants in Silicon Valley.
For CES this year, the delivery service found a nearby Applebee's and sent out its test cars with a livefeed to show on the convention floor how the delivery process was going. After the car picked up the food about 2 miles away, some other reporters, VIPs, and I were able to chow down on slightly sweaty burgers and fries. (It was still delivery, after all — it can’t compete with food at a restaurant. It must have looked delicious though, because someone at the convention center stopped to ask me where I got it from.) Read more...
More about Ces, Delivery, Baidu, Autonomous Vehicles, and Self Driving Carsfrom Mashable http://bit.ly/2SLUOQC
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