Hear App
$0 (with in-app purchases)
The Good
A fun • unique listening experience • Filters can be adjusted for maximum customizationThe Bad
Didn't really help cut out distractions • Several audio filters were very unpleasantThe Bottom Line
The Hear app is perfect for a lighthearted and entertaining listening experience. But if your goal is to relax or seriously focus, look elsewhere for help.👑 Mashable Score 3.75
✨Aesthetic 4.5
💅Easy to use 5.0
🎯Delivers on promise 3.0
💵 Bang for the Buck 4.0
Anyone who's ever attempted to write for a living (or for fun) knows there's essentially no such thing as a distraction-free environment. Coffee shops are busy and bustling, offices are full of noisy co-workers, and personal living spaces are packed with potential procrastination options. Read more...
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