With a rocket launcher strapped to his back, President Ronald Reagan rode fearlessly upon a long-extinct Velociraptor while brandishing a machine gun: This is the imagery — presented on poster board and carried to the floor of the Senate Chamber on March 26 — that Republican Senator Mike Lee used to mock the Green New Deal, a proposal to rapidly transform the U.S. energy infrastructure and slash the nation's ample emissions of carbon dioxide.
The Green New Deal, argued Lee, is not a serious solution to combatting climate change — presumably as unserious as a dinosaur gimmick in the Senate. Instead, he contended (this time seriously) that the climate solution America needs is to produce significantly more babies. Yes, the predestined ingenuity from these babies will fix the global problem, Lee concluded. Unsurprisingly, the Senate voted no on whether to debate the Green New Deal. Read more...
More about Science, Europe, Global Warming, Carbon Dioxide, and Climate Changefrom Mashable http://bit.ly/2uO9a8J
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