Alaska's Brooks River, home to the livestreaming bear cams, is the dominion of big, fat bears.
Yet early Saturday morning, when the waterfall where the bears feast was quiet, a gray wolf appeared on the cams and started pouncing on 4,500-calorie sockeye salmon. Bear cam viewers — who are global, devoted, and passionate documenters of all that happens on the explore.org cameras — watched the wolf snag and scarf bounties of fish.
"The bear cam viewers counted the wolf catching about 30 fish," Mike Fitz, the resident naturalist for explore.org and a former park ranger at Katmai, told Mashable. "Without the cams we wouldn't have known it." Read more...
More about Science, Animals, Bears, Wolf, and Bear Camfrom Mashable https://ift.tt/2DcNuuh
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