Want to tag a friend to show them something on Facebook? Or perhaps you're a parent who wants to tag your child in the ugliest, most embarrassing photo of them of all time because that's what parents on Facebook do.
We'll tackle tagging people to show them posts, first. And unfortunately for all of you with parents on Facebook, we'll go over photo tagging after.
How to tag someone in a comment section
1. First, find the post you want to show to someone
2. Go to add a comment
3. Begin typing the person's Facebook name, or type the "@" symbol first to get more suggestions.
4. Select the person's profile in the search suggestions

5. Once you select their profile, your comment will auto-fill and highlight their name

6. Type anything else you want to say, and then tap the arrow on the right to send
That person will be tagged in the post you commented on
How to tag people in photos
1. Go to create a new post
2. Add a photo
3. Tap blue person-shaped icon at the bottom

4. Select "Tag People"

5. Type the name of person you want to tag, or select their profile in the menu. Then tap "Done"

6. Your post will show as you being "with ______" with the person you tagged showing in the blank
7. Add a comment if you want, and tap "Post"

That person will be tagged in your photo
In general, you can tag people by typing there name in the designated area and selecting their profile – whether it be in a comment section, on your own profile page, or even if you write a post on somebody else's page.
You can also tag people (or yourself) in your friends' photos. If a photo has the "tag" icon (pictured below) in the top right, just tap it, then tap the area of the photo you want to tag. Type the person's name you want to tag, and select their profile. That's it! That person will be tagged in the photo.

Happy tagging!
from Mashable https://ift.tt/3A1vg6C
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