Pretty much everyone online was waiting for an arrest that never came this week. That arrest being, of course, the indictment former President Donald Trump claimed was coming down. It hasn't happened yet (at least at the time of this writing) but it was on everyone's mind.
Well that, and the NCAA tournament, and all other usual internet shenanigans.
To celebrate the end of the week, per usual, we've collected some of the best tweets that everyone fired off while the rest of the internet waited for an arrest.
Here they are, the 8 best tweets of the week.
1. The thing is, you definitely would know exactly the pants they were talking about. What a devastating blow.
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2. I'm not sure I totally even get this tweet but it's funny.
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3. I yell into the McDonald's and the McDonald's responds with jazz.
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4. Guess what, pal? I've always been this way so that is on you.
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5. Joyce Carol Oates is a god-tier poster and I'm not totally sure that she even knows it. God bless her.
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6. Just some good wife humor.
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7. Hunked baguette is simply superior than sliced. This is a fact.
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8. And finally this observation. For what it's worth, his little magic tricks would have PLAYED on Instagram, plus he's got that mysterious look.
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from Mashable https://ift.tt/TiLOWle
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